George W. Vogel came to Seguin to teach in 1940. He taught sixth grade for two years at Jefferson Avenue Elementary followed by eight years at Mary B. Erskine teaching English in the seventh and eighth grades. Vogel was named the first principal of F.C. Weinert Elementary School when it opened in 1950. He remained there until 1974. The last six years of Vogel’s service to the Seguin I.S.D. was spent as principal of Lizzie Burges kindergarten. He retired in 1980.
George Vogel was born on May 22, 1919, in Sinton, Texas. He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&I University in 1940 and his Master of Education from Southwest Texas State Teacher’s College in 1952. Vogel married Marie Pfennig, and they had two daughters, Rebecca and Karen. All members of the Vogel family served as professional educators. In addition to his service to the children of Seguin, Vogel was an active member of the Seguin Noon Lions Club and Emanuel’s Lutheran Church. He was also a member of the Parent-Teacher Association and the Retired Teachers Organization. Vogel died October 3, 1987. In spite of his left arm being amputated due to neurofibromatosis, Vogel served the Seguin I.S.D. for 40 years. He serves as an outstanding example to all handicapped people and to future generations of students and educators.
George W. Vogel Elementary was dedicated on September 8, 1991.