About McQueeney Elementary

McQueeney Vision & Mission


Empowering tomorrow’s Leaders through Improvising, Adapting, and Overcoming.

We Succeed. No Excuses. No Exceptions.

School Song
McQueeney is the best place
That we can go to school;
We come here every morning;
We think that learning‘s cool.
Here at the M-C-Q-U-E-E-N-E-Y,
McQueeney Elementary,
The best school I know why.
We have the greatest students in the USA;
We know learning is important each and every single day.
Give me a...
M, C, Q, U, E-E, N, E, Y!
What’s that spell?


Though McQueeney Elementary School is part of Seguin ISD, it is not located in Seguin but in the lakeside resort area of McQueeney. The name of the area, according to E. John Gesick, Jr. author of Under the Live Oak Tree, was indirectly named by Mr. C.F. Blumberg. Mr. Blumberg built a store around 1900, which was less than a mile from a railroad stop. As the story goes, Mr. Blumberg decided to call the location of his store, McQueeney, after the Superintendent of the Lines. His hope was that Mr. McQueeney, would designate his store location as the new train stop, thereby promoting business for his store. The McQueeney store became the McQueeney community, and the school was indirectly named after the Superintendent of the Lines, Mr. McQueeney.