Clubs & Organizations
Cheerleaders/Pep Squad
In order to remain a member in good standing a student must:

* Maintain a grade of 90 and above in all subjects
* Keep an excellent behavior record and not receive any office referrals or be suspended including in school suspension (ISS)
 * Complete and document the required service hours (4 hours the 1st semester and 6 hours the 2nd semester, in which will be a total of 10 hours)
* Attend meetings and participate in the planning and/or carrying out of chapter service projects and activities
Student Council
Student Council is a student-based civic organization designed to help promote school spirit and leadership among students.
TAC: The Art Club is an organization comprised of students who are currently taking or have taken Art I. We support school activities with original artwork and decorations.
The University Interscholastic League offers the most comprehensive literary and academic competitive program in the nation. It offers more than any other UIL division in terms of activities, with 22 high school and 18 elementary and junior high contests. More than a half million students participate in UIL academic contests.

These activities, which exist to complement the academic curriculum, are designed to motivate students as they acquire higher levels of knowledge, to challenge students to confront issues of importance, and to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of specific skills.