  • TSI Testing Sessions and Tutorial Information

    The TSI Assessment (TSIA) is part of the Texas Success Initiative program and is designed to help Texas colleges and universities determine if you are ready for college-level course work in the general areas of reading, writing, and mathematics.
    Seguin High School students who have not passed all 3 portions of the TSI Assessment are invited to test during this FREE Saturday session. Space is limited.


    For the possible opportunity to take college-credit courses for FREE! 

    To see if you’re college and career ready 

    To identify what you can do to become college and career ready 



    Alamo Colleges Test Prep Information
    These informational modules provide TSI practice tests as well as math, reading, and writing reviews.

    Free CollegeBoard TSI Web-Based Study App with practice tests.
    Follow the link and the instructions to setup your free account and get ready for the TSI. You can access this site from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

    TSI Video Tutorials and Practice Tests.
    This site offers in depth video tutorials and online practice tests for the TSI Math, Reading, and Writing sections. It also provides information about the TSI test and useful information on how to prepare for the exam.

    Once you have completed the registration process, be sure to follow this link to login: 


    • Meeting TSI Standards

    • TSI Study Guide

    • TSI Writeplacer (Essay) Samples

    • TSI Test Content

    • TSI Student Brochure

    • TSI Blueprint

  • PSAT / NMSQT Student Guide

    KAPLAN TEST PREP PSAT Prep Live : This is a free online service provided by KAPLAN. Scoring well on the PSAT opens the door to scholarships, kicks off the college admissions process, and helps you get ready for the SAT® and ACT® . And a great score starts with PSAT Prep Live—the only FREE, live PSAT prep program available to all students online.

  • SAT / ACT Testing Dates and Registration Information

    What is the SAT?

    "SAT" stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test. It is a standardized test that measures critical reading, math and writing skills. SAT scores are one of the criteria colleges and universities use to make their admissions decisions. Each section of the SAT receives a grade between 200 and 800, and the final score is arrived at by adding the scores of the three sections together.

    What is the ACT?
    ACT originally stood for American College Testing. Now it offers a full range of programs and services beyond the college entrance testing. The ACT is an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school.

    So what's the difference? Check out this link:

    The SAT vs. the ACT


    Free SAT Test provided by Collegeboard.org:

    Visit http://sat.collegeboard.org/practice/sat-practice-test to take an official SAT practice test. It's free. You can take it online or print your test and then check your score.

    KhanAcadamy SAT Prep: Visit https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/sat to have access to a full length SAT test as well as practice individual sections such as math and reading and writing. Tips and strategies are also covered. An excellent resource.


    Visit http://www.actstudent.org/sampletest/ to review practice questions and check your answers. There is also a sample writing prompt with responses.